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Green Living

We at Aegean Mhlaba Property are aware of the Constraint we place on the Environment in our Need for Housing, Spaces to Shop and Work. This Constraint can be Mitigated by making minor changes and additions to our existing Infrastructure and in setting new Standards for New Developments. 

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Solar Energy

No greenhouse gas emissions are released into the atmosphere when you use solar panels to create electricity and because the sun provides more energy than we’ll ever need, electricity from solar power is a very important energy source in the move to clean energy production. Traditional Electricity relies heavily on fossil fuels such as coal and natural gas. Not only are they bad for the environment, but they are also limited resources. This translates into a volatile market, in which energy prices alter throughout the day. Solar electricity boosts your electricity independence. By investing in solar power systems you can easily protect yourself against unpredictable increases in utility prices, and enjoy cheap electricity throughout. The sun will never increase its rates and it gives you energy security.



Rain Water Harvesting

Rain water harvesting creates a good source of water which maybe used for the garden as well as some households requirements. Nature has been relying on rain water for  millions of years and this continues to be the case, In most areas rain is seasonal during rainy seasons it is easy to keep gardens in a beautiful lush state, however we do experience rainless season and this is where rain water storage becomes important, if we use rain water collected during rainy seasons in the dry season we stay of much required municipal water supply, when supplies are needed for essential household requirements. This allows us to keep our gardens watered during rainy seasons. In addition to this rain water harvesting reduces the amount of run off leading to less flooding and a decreases in soil erosion.

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Battery Storage

Storage batteries offer a viable solution for storing intermittent energy supplies associated with renewable energy. The costs are lowering as production increases, and they provide hope for a future that is tied to clean renewable energy. Clean, renewable energy sources are needed to help create a sustainable society. They must displace our dependence on fossil fuels and nuclear. The challenge with renewable power sources  peak production with peak usage: Batteries allow for storage of energy so that it may be used during peak demand times.

LED Light Bulbs

Swapping out your standard incandescent bulbs for newer, energy saving models like LED bulbs can help reduce your household's energy consumption, resulting in a significant savings on your power bill. The average household uses about 34 percent of its energy demand for lighting.If you're hesitant to try these types of bulbs, consider the fact that LED bulbs last for up to 60,000 hours of use. This means they need replacing much less frequently than other bulbs, so the expense of switching in the long run is minimal, and is more than offset by the energy consumption savings. In addition to knowing that you've made an Eco-Friendly choice that helps you save money on the utility bills, you'll quickly realize that you've improved the overall quality of lighting in your living space, in addition LED light bulbs offer higher illumination quality.



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Solar Air Conditioning

It might seem strange to use heat from the sun to cool your home, but that's exactly what solar air conditioning does. Solar air conditioning uses the same principles of the solar water heater, but uses that hot water in an air conditioning systemAir conditioning uses more electricity than almost anything else in your home. Air conditioning can cost you a substantial amount of money every year, especially if you have central air and you live in a hot climate. Using hot water to cool your home can save you money and help the environment

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Electric Vehicles

Our local market currently has two all-electric cars: the BMW i3 and the Nissan Leaf and 375 vehicles have been sold so far. However, we expect an avalanche of new electric vehicles are expected in the market. One of which is Tesla, widely regarded as the world leader in the design and manufacturing of EVs. Owners of an EV will have the extra benefit of much lower running costs. The electricity to charge an EV works out around a third as much per kilometre as buying petrol for the same vehicle. The ability to install a solar system large enough to power both your home and your car is an option within reach and will further reduce costs.


Natural Gas

Natural gas is a fossil fuel occurring in underground reservoirs often located near petroleum deposits. In its raw form, natural gas is odorless and colorless, but highly combustible. It burns relatively cleanly - meaning it releases fewer pollutants than other fuels - and typically is used to heat homes, cook food and generate electricity. The distinctive rotten egg smell associated with natural gas piped into homes results from an odorant called Mercaptan, deliberately added for easier detection of natural gas leaks, which can become explosive in higher concentrations. Gas, also referred to as simply propane or butane, are flammable mixtures of hydrocarbon gases used as fuel in heating appliances. Gas is a great source of energy. It is one of the cleanest, safest and most efficient energy sources. It makes it possible for us to cook, keep warm and be clean. 



Gas and electric stoves may be relatively similar in upfront cost, however, the energy efficiency of the typical gas stove will save consumers in the long run. It takes about three times as much energy to produce and deliver electricity to your stove. A gas stove provides a better cooking experience but more importantly it offers you independence from your electric grid, resulting in reduced peak electric demand. 


Hot Water Supply

A gas geyser is more affordable to operate in terms of energy costs. Works very well when there is power outage. A geyser heats up very quickly compared to electricity geyser and reduces running costs.



A gas heater has the ability to heat up a room as quickly as  any heating appliance, with a lower energy cost. As with any live heating source, it is important to pay attention to the devise manufacturers safe usage instructions. Gas appliances also tend to be more robust, requiring less maintenance during the course of the appliances lifespan.



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